This Worked for Us, a memoir about raising exceptional children, will be on e-books, by HBS Publishing, in May 2011.
From all that I have been through with parenting, as well as my observations, I would say that the most important things we did were having a loving, mostly peaceful family (father and mother happily intact) with a balanced lifestyle of hard work and vacations and of structure and free time.
As parents we were also smart enough to make changes when we were overloaded. For example, when both son and daughter played soccer, the two games and four practices each week began to overload our family so that my husband finally said, “Enough!” and I heartily agreed; even though the kids were having fun and daughter was a star player. This was one of many good decisions.
Balance is a vital key to a peaceful, happy and healthy life and in raising exceptional children.
Tags: Parenting