
In the USA research shows that after making enough money to meet our basic needs: food, shelter, and clothing, that any money we make beyond the basics will have an insignificant effect on our happiness.

Once we make enough money to support our basic needs, our comfort level may improve, though ones happiness is not significantly affected by how much money we make, but by our level of optimism. I’ve been called a Pollyanna but why choose to live in a world that is half empty, dark and sad?

Our attitude is our choice.  If we don’t enjoy the simple everyday gifts we are given we are not living a full life.  For me, no career, lovely house or money to buy stuff matters without a well balanced life that includes health, loved ones, a positive, giving spirit and taking time to sit and be still in nature.

Healthy life habits are crucial and it is appreciation for life’s simple gift that matter most. If we live our lives working weekends instead of enthusiastically attending that little league game, taking the beauty in nature that surrounds us for granted, watching TV instead of taking a walk or engaging in time with our spouse, we are missing out on a full life…it is a choice…no one is guaranteed tomorrow.

Everyday is a gift. Seek balance. Reflect periodically and make changes where necessary while you still can.


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